Applications are invited for the following Masters of Science Degrees / Postgraduate Diplomas commencing in March 2013.
- Analytical Chemistry
- Applied Organic Chemistry
Duration: 18 to 24 months
Composition of the Course
Part A: Lectures and Laboratory Sessions (on Fridays (5-7 p.m.), Saturdays (8 a.m. – 6 p.m.)/ Sundays)
Part B: Research Project of eight months duration (full time)
Course Fee: Rs. 150,000.00
Graduates who offered Chemistry as a subject for their B.Sc. Degree or who possess equivalent qualifications is eligible to apply. The selection will be on the basis of an interview.
Application Procedure
Application Forms and course brochure can be obtained in person or by sending a self-addressed stamped envelope, to Deputy Registrar, Academic and Publications Branch, University of Colombo, 94, Curnaratunga Munidasa Mawatha. Colombo 03 or visiting
Duly completed application form together with a paying in voucher for Rs. 500/= paid to the credit of the University of Colombo, Account No. 086-100121189662 at the Thirnbirigasyaya Branch of the People’s Bank (payment can be made at any branch) should be sent to the Deputy Registrar, Academic and Publications Branch, University of Colombo, 94, Curnaratunga Munidasa Mawatha, Colombo 03 under Registered Cover on or before 15th February 2013.
See below image for more information

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