Factors to consider before choosing an MBA in Sri Lanka

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If you are looking forward to choose an MBA Programme in Sri lanka with a private institution, it is mandatory to check the below points before get enroll into the MBA Programme.

  1. Check the credentials of the awarding body (University) of the MBA and see you have direct access to the university academic staff.
  2. What is the Graduate profile?
  3. Is the university globally recognised and locally respected?
  4. Is the MBA accredited by any Quality Assurance Body such as Association of MBAs (AMBA)?
  5. Do you study the same “on campus” version of the programme in Sri Lanka?
  6. Does the university award the same certificate given to full-time students in the UK?
  7. If you move to another part of the world, can you continue your MBA studies?
  8. Are the exams supervised by an independent institution such as the British Council?
  9. Do you receive course materials from the university?
  10. Do you receive a university identity card?

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