Take the fast track to top universities after O/L’s and Graduate up to 3 years earlier with Monash University foundation year at ANC Education.
There are following countries are conducting the study programmes such as Australia, UK, Malaysia, Singapore, New Zealand.
There are many university entry qualifications in the world that is A/L, High school diploma, University foundation year or any similar qualifications but Monash university Foundation year is globally accepted by Australia, UK, Malaysia, Singapore, New Zealand university entry qualification equivalent to A/Levels.
Foundation year 12 months syllabus and content equal to A/L’s while the teaching methods and style mirrors international universities. Compulsory English course develops listening and speaking skills. Note from summary arguments and expositional essay writing research skills and thematic study.
Enroll after O/levels for this September intake for Business, medicine engineering, biomedical. IT, arts, psychology, law degree programmes.
For more information contact ANC on 0777662255

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