NSBM invites applications for the Degree Programme for Multimedia & Interior Design, It’s the high time to start the journey to be a Multi Media designer! Explore, innovative the radical approaches to web communication in the industry or gain in all round knowledge of 2D innovation and imaging, 3 D modeling & animation , video and motion graphics, and interactive web design and be an expert in graphics, sound video and text content production select a top ranked creative degree with us.
- BSc (Hons) Web designing and Technology
- BA (Hons)Digital Imaging & Illustration
- BA (Hons) Creative Multi Media
- BA (Hons) Animation.
and invites application for BA Interior Design, enrollment now –September intake after A/L’s or O/L’s.
You can register through online www.nsbm.lk 01145445000, 309 High Level Road, Colombo-05. Or see below image

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