The Seylan visa Traveller’s Card which is more than just a travel card, is an alternative to Traveller’s cheques and other modes of payment while you’re overseas. It’s safe , secure and easy to use. This prepaid vusa accredited card can be issued in 5 currencies of USD, GBP,SAR or AUS, it also comes loaded with valuable benefits you’ll need while travelling overseas.
- A prepaid visa accredited card issued in USD/GBP/EUR/SAR/AUD
- World wide acceptance at over 30 million visa accedited merchants and in over 2.2 million ATMs
- free cash withdrawals’s from ATMs
- Sms alert after each transaction
- PIN protcted we access fro balanve inquires cheque, transaction
- Free medical insuranne US$ 50,000
- Load the traveller card with the minimum US$100 & a maximum limit of US$ 15,000
The card can be easily used by students overseas, and reloaded by their parents/guardian to pay for tuition , living and other expenses.
Call 0112008888 or visit to

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