The People’s Bank announces the special promotion for the Childrens Saving Account of Sisu Udana. All you have to do is deposit Rs.2,500 between 1st October and 30th November 2013. People’s Bank Isuru udana- kids learning laptops. Deposits Rs.2,500 or more in a new or existing “Isuru udana” account and win 500 kids learning laptops. and Deposit Rs.2,500 or more in new or exsting “Sisu Udana” account and win 1000 telescopes.
Winning chances for every Rs.2,500 depisyed during 1st october and 30th November 2013. Deposit of rs.2,500 can also be made in instalments during this period. Visit Perple’s bank today and win exciting gifts for your child’s future.
For more information 0112481677/ 0112481532 or visit or see below image

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