Head right out of the city madness for the tranquil beach and calm sea of Passikudah Bay, where you and the family can relax in a luxurious setting by the pool or on the soft golden sands.
Special early bird offer
30% discount for bookings made on or before the 31st March 2014 (Maximum 2 kids under 10 years get to stay and enjoy meals free*)
A 30% discount at Spa Cenvaree is offered for moms and dads, while the youngsters can enjoy all the fun and games at the supervised Kids’ Club.
Book now and plan your escape from city life!
*Terms & Conditions apply
For more information contact to Centara Hotels & Resorts on +94 65 205 0200, +94 71 966 4651, +94 71 869 161 or see below image

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