Singer Srilanka offers you the below prices for the seasonal month of April 2014, the offers are valid till end April 2014.
Lenovo G510-i5 for Rs. 82,900 or Monthly Installment of Rs. 5,993.00
- Intel Core i5 – 4200M Processor [4‘’Gen)
- 15.6” HD LED Display
- Inter HD Garphics 4000
- 4 GB-RAM
- 500 GB-HDD
DELL INSPIRON 3537 i7 for Rs. 119,990 or Monthly Installment of Rs. 7,993.00
- Intel Core i7-4500 Processor (4- Gen)
- 15.6” HD LED Display
- 2 GB VGA – Separate
- 4 GB RAM
- 500GB-HDD
- 3 Year Warranty
DELL 3521 i3 for Rs. 79,990 or Monthly Installment of Rs. 5,333.00
- Intel Core i3-3217 processer (Gen3)
- 15 .6” HD LED Display
- Intel HD Graphics 4000
- 4 GB RAM
- 500GB HDD
- 3 Years warranty
DELL INSPIRON 3537 Dual Core for Rs. 52,990 or Monthly Installment of Rs. 3,799.00
- Intel Cell – 2955U Processer (4th Gen)
- 15.6” HD LED Display
- 2 GB RAM
- 500GB –HDD
- 3 Year Warranty
DELL INSPIRON 3537 i5 for Rs. 90,990 or Monthly Installment of Rs. 6,466.00
- Intel Core i5 – 4500U Processor (4th Gen)
- 15.6” HD LED Display
- 4 GB – RAM
- 500 GB HDD
- 3 Year Warranty
IDEA TAB – 56000 for Rs. 49,900 or Monthly Installment of Rs. 3,327.00
- 1.2 Ghz Quad Core
- Android 4.2 jelly bean
- 10.1” HD (1280×800)
- Camera 5MP Auto back
- 1GB – LP DDR2
- 16GB eMMC – Up to 64GB MSD
Samsung ATIV book2 for Rs. 52,990 or Monthly Installment of Rs. 3,533.00
- AMD Dual Core
- 14” HD LED Display , Anti Reflective
- AMU redeon
- 2GB
- 500GB
Samsung ATIV Book2 for Rs. 69,900 or Monthly Installment of Rs. 5,333.00
- Intel Core i3 Processer (3rd Gen)
- 14” HD LED Display, Anti Reflective
- Intel* HD Graphic 4000
- 4 GB DDR3
- 500 GB
IDEA TAB – A3000 for Rs. 39,900 or Monthly Installment of Rs. 2,600.00
- 1 .2GHz Quad Core
- Android 4.2 Jelly Bean
- 7.0” (1024×600)
- Camera 5MP Auto Back
- 16GB eMMC Up to 64GB MSD
For more details see below image or contact to nearest Singhagiri Showroom at No. 515, Darley Road, Colombo 10, Sri Lanka
Or call 011 5 413 413

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