Srilanka has encountered a high consumer price index; where srilankan are highly spend their income to fulfil their basic needs. It is create most of people to concern and force to live in budgeted life.
By understanding the srilankan populations needs, helping to save srilankan population money and electricity consumption of nation, the Damro has introduce its Damro Washing machines to works at lowest possible electricity consumption.
You could wash your clothing daily with 6 Kgs capacity only makes you to consume only on 2 Units at Semi Automatic washing machine.
Semi Automatic Washing Machine for Rs. 22,900.00 and Fully Automatic Washing Machine for Rs. 36,900.00
The Damro washing machine will comes with 5 years warranty.
For more details contact to Damro on 033 7 500 500 or see below image

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