Tag: interest for fixed deposit
Highest Interest Rate from Pan Asia Bank for Short Term Fixed Deposits
Enjoy a highest interest income for the 6 month and 1 year fixed deposits from Pan Asia Bank. Pan Asia Bank offers 12.25 % for one year fixed deposits at Maturity and 12% interest rate for 6 month fixed deposits at maturity. All the Interest income will be liable to Withholding tax of 5% so…
Pan Asia Bank Offers 6% for USD Fixed Deposit
Pan Asia Bank announces a special Interest rate for USD Fixed Deposits of 6% at Maturity for the 5 Year Fixed Deposits of Minimum USD 25,000. And Bank offers 4% Per Annum for monthly interest option for the same amount above. The offers valid for all Sri Lankan do have any NRF Account across any…
Commercial Bank E Fixed Deposits – How to Earn More from Fixed Deposits
Commercial Bank offers fixed deposits for 1 Month to 60 Month Period with an interest rate start from 8.5% to 12.50% per annum. Fixed Deposits is one of the best investment method if you unable to spend time on business operation or not willing to take a risk of CSE. And many banks and financial…
Pan Asia Bank Rising Fixed Deposits
Pan Asia Bank introduces a new fixed deposit which guaranteed annual interest rate of 13% and when the interest rate rising in the market you will getting higher interest earning and if interest rate drop on your investment period bank will sill provides you minimum of 13% as agreed. This special Rising Fixed Deposits are…
Highest Interest for 1 Year Fixed Deposits from Pan Asia Bank
Pan Asia Bank PLC announces a special fixed deposits interest rate for the 12 months fixed deposits as 12.25% on Annual Effective rate at Maturity. The offer is highest interest rate from the banking industry where the fixed deposits interest rate for 12 months from 9% to 11% as maximum, therefore this deposits would gain…
Free Gift for Avurudu Seasons Fixed Deposits at CDB
Citizens Development Business Finance PLC Brought you range of gifts for the fixed deposits made during the Sinhala Tamil New Year Seasons. Upgrade your lifestyle during this avurudu season with Fixed Deposits at CDB. Gift Item Deposit Slab Period of Deposit Interest Rates CDB MUG 50,000 12 Months 11% CDB back pack or singer iron…
Singer Finance Advance Interest Payment for Fixed Deposit holders in this New Year 2018
Fixed Deposit Holders who receive a monthly interest payment from Singer Finance have a reason to feel more festive this season! Your interest payment for the period 6th to the 22nd of April will be in your hands by the 5th, allowing you to enjoy the seasonal celebrations early. We wish all our depositors a…
DO your IBSL Payments through Commercial Bank Online Banking
Now IBSL (Institute of Bankers of Sri Lanka) payments can be effected 24/7, 365 days of the year at no extra cost through Online or Mobile Banking. You can pay, Examination payments Corporate services payments College of Banking and Finance payments Through this facility. If you are yet to register for Online or Mobile Banking,…
Commercial Bank Online Banking Bill Wipe out promotion
Stand a chance to win bill wipe-outs for the value of Rs. 1 million when you pay bills through COMBANK Online Banking Make 3 bill payments per month through COMBANK Online Banking and stand a chance to get your bills wiped off up to Rs. 10,000/- at the end of the promotion. Offer valid till…
NDB introduces Cash Recycle Machine at Hemas Hospitals, Wattala
The National Development Bank PLC launched a new generation of Cash Recycling Machines (CRM), of which the maiden CRM was deployed at Hemas Hospitals, Wattala. This CRM offers you serval new features on the standard ATMs. Cash recycle machine is complex machine that handle simple, but important task of accepting and dispensing cash. And this…