Tag: KFC Home delivery service in Srilanka
KFC Introduce Chicken Fried Rice for Rs.140.00
The Kentucky Fried Chicken (KFC) Srilanka Introduce new Product of KFC Chicken Fried Rice at the Price of Rs. 140.00 The Chicken Fried Rice is Add on product of KFC Chicken Buriyani Range with the Halaal Srilanka
KFC Home Delivery Expanded to Others Braches too
The Kentucky Fried Chicken (KFC) Srilanka Introduced a Successful Home Delivery Service in Kotahena and Rajagiriya. With all the Success the KFC Srilanka Expand their Home Delivery Services in other Braches too.
KFC Introduce Home delivery service in Srilanka
KFC Introduce Home delivery service in Srilanka Recently KFC introduce Home delivery service to their consumers. The Service Hotline is 0115 532 532. The Number of 532 is simply indicating KFC as Mobile keypad. Therefore remembering the Number is very easy as 0115 KFC KFC. As per the counter staff says, it will take about…