Today29th August 2011, the Browns Investment PLC made available their Annual Report of 2010/2011 on Colombo Stock Exchange Website.
The Company has indicated good position and Performance in their recent Financial Year. The company has indicated best part of their Short term investments and the Repurchases agreements.
The Browns Investment PLC is invested mainly on,
- Plantation & Agriculture
- Leisure
- Hydro Power
- Porcelain
- Construction
Performance of the Browns Investment PLC
The Browns Investment PLC has indicated the Company Revenue Increment of Rs.1234 Million from previous year and Rs.565 Million Increment in Groups Revenue in 2011. The Browns Investment PLC group was able to reduce their cost of sales by Rs. 879 Million from 2010 to 2011, which indicated the Gross profit of Rs. 1616 Million in 2011. In overall the Browns Investment PLC Group performance were able to make a profit for the year as Rs. 2103 Million, which is Rs. 1948 Million Higher from last year.Browns Investment PLC Position
The Browns Investment PLC has indicated to reduce the Non Current Assets from the 2010 to 2011, while the group has invested Rs. 3,993 Million on Short terms investments in 2011. Which lead the company has looking forward to short term investments than a long term. Which may lead to a quick Profits or Cash flow to the Browns Investment PLC, but performance is questionable. In overall the Browns Investment PLC has indicates positive impact to the short term investors than the long term investors. You can find the Browns Investment PLC annual report 2010/2011 in given link below, http://www.cse.lk/cmt/upload_report_file/1077_1314586747.pdf
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