TATA nano Leasing Options in Srilanka

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TATA NANO Leasing By Central Finance
TATA NANO Leasing By Central Finance

The Central Finance Company PLC and Diesel & Motor Engineering PLC get-together and made a Leasing Options to TATA Nano Lovers to Obtain TATA nano car at Affordable Monthly Leasing Method.

The Central Finance Having 3 Leasing products in TATA Nano’s Model, such as,

  • CFC Standard Lease Products
  • CFC Balloon Products
  • CFC Step UP Lease Product (Only for Salaried Individuals)

    Central Finance TATA nano Leasing Options in Srilanka
    Central Finance TATA nano Leasing Options in Srilanka


Benefits of Leasing Options in Common

  • Easy Payment Methods in Monthly
  • Ownerships belong to Leasing Company
  • Less Risk
  • Customer Care through Leasing Company

The same time the Individual or organization need to consider the interest component of the leasing company compare to Bank Interest of Loan to take best benefit out of it.

The Above mention Prices subject to change

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20 responses to “TATA nano Leasing Options in Srilanka”

  1. mohammed ansar Avatar
    mohammed ansar

    dear sir,

    please send me the details about micro holdin 18 seat van. all payment details & including leasing details

    thanks & best regards
    mohammed ansar

    1. prasanna Avatar

      Dear Mohammed Ansar,
      Please see the attachment for more information,

  2. M.Niranjan Avatar

    I need to buy a Tata Nano car can you pls send me a details.

    1. prasanna Avatar

      Dear Mr. Niranjan,
      you can find the basic catlog in the attachment, if you want more informations,
      contact to DIMO,

  3. Ivanka Avatar

    I have planed to buy a Nano LX car, so can you pl send me the it’s features and leasing facilities available for that.

    Thank you

    1. prasanna Avatar

      Dear Ivanka,
      You can find the Leasing options in the attachment or See the Attachment on the given below Link,

      1. thus Avatar

        Dear Mr.Mohamed,
        There is a legal issue to foreigners to obtain leasing options in srilanka, but there are few requirements to fulfill. You can contact to DIMO, they will help you to how to access leasing options,


  4. mohamed Avatar

    Im a forigner,I have planed to buy a Nano LX car,is the same Leasing options are available for forigners too?

    1. Prasanna Avatar

      Dear Mr.Mohamed,
      There is a legal issue to foreigners to obtain leasing options in srilanka, but there are few requirements to fulfill. You can contact to DIMO, they will help you to how to access leasing options,


  5. pradeep Avatar

    please send me the total price & the leasing facilities of nano cab tnx pradeep

    1. Prasanna Avatar

      Dear Pradeep,
      See the above attachment, there is detail leasing options,

  6. sadeepa sri nuwan kumara Avatar
    sadeepa sri nuwan kumara

    Dear Sir,

    i need to take tata nano lx model for my wife with full leasing facility. but i am working in Jordan garment factory post of work study engineer. my monthly salary 817 JOD ( 817*165 = RS 134805) can i take this car for my wife name & what document you need to it &; send to whom to contact this leasing. please send me every leasing details with contact person mobile number.

    Thank You,


    mobile 00962785161056

  7. jude weerasinghe Avatar
    jude weerasinghe

    dear sir,

    i need to take tata nano lx model with full leasing.i can pay monthly 30,000/= . i working saudi 8 years. pls send full deatils.

    1. Prasanna Avatar

      Dear Mr. Jude,
      I think yes, you can pay monthly installment of Rs. 30,000.00 and obtain brand new TATA Nano Car,
      Just a Suggestion
      After the Imported Vehicle Tax Hike, the TATA Nano Prices are also effected, therefore if you wish just observe Micro Trand, Micro Panda.
      These cars are much better features with Comparative Prices of TATA Nano.
      Best regards,

  8. pradeep Avatar

    please send me the new price of tata nano.i want to buy it with leasing

    1. Prasanna Avatar

      Dear Pradeep,
      the New Prices for TATA Nano is Rs. 1,460,000 with VAT and Upwards
      Best regards,

  9. G Grero Avatar
    G Grero

    Can I know the present price of a Tata Nano Car, and if I am to lease, what leasing company or preferred bank and what down payment and lease rentals if such.

    1. Prasanna Avatar

      dear G Grero,

      please find the leasing informations with Central Finance,

      Best regards,

  10. Sanjeewa Damunupola Avatar
    Sanjeewa Damunupola

    Dear All,

    If you have any enquiries regarding the updated DIMO/TATA NANO & Central Finance offer 2012 and other information on how to buy a TATA Nano Car please contct me on +94773172706 and I work for Dimo.

  11. Ajantha Avatar

    I want to buy a TATA NANO cab. Market price is 135000.00. Please let me know What is the down payment and cost of leasing installment.

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