Sir John Kotelawala Defence University application calls for 2012/2013

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Sir John Kotelawala Defence University calls applications for the academic year 2012/2013. It is an opportunity for Srilankan citizen to educate from one of the best University in Srilanka.

Degree Programmes

  • B.Sc in Aeronautical Engineering
  • B.Sc in Aircraft Maintenance Engineering
  • B.Sc in Civil Engineering
  • B.Sc in Electronic & Telecommunication engineering
  • B.Sc in Electrical & Electronic Engineering
  • B.Sc in Marine Engineering
  • B.Sc in Mechanical Engineering
  • B.Sc in Bio- Medical Engineering
  • LLB Degree
  • B.Sc in Information and Communication Technology Degree Programme

All of the above programmes are 4 Years


  • B.Sc in Social Sciences Degree Programme
  • B.Sc in Logistic Management Degree Programme

The above two programmes are 3 Years


Eligibility for Degree Programme

  • Be a citizen of srilanka
  • Be between 18 to 24 Years of Age by the closing date of application
  • Minimum 3 S’s in G.C.E (A/L)
  • Have Credit pass in English Language in G.C.E (O/L)


Application closing date will be 21st September 2012

For more informationVisit Sir John Kotelawala Defence University website by Clicking Here

To visit Image Click Here

Degree details Click Here

Application Form Click Here



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76 responses to “Sir John Kotelawala Defence University application calls for 2012/2013”

  1. anfas jevard Avatar
    anfas jevard

    dear sir, iam a computer technician and i have sound knowledge in computer, have you any jobs in your sir john kothalawala defence university. if you have please inform me sir, thank you.


  2. vidushasammanigunawardana Avatar

    need information externmal
    llb degree
    and course fee and how to apply

  3. rajitha weerawickrama Avatar
    rajitha weerawickrama

    need information external llb degree and how to apply

  4. amila Avatar

    dear sir i need for information for sir john kothalawala accademy,and how can join it?

  5. nishadi Avatar

    i need to apply for medicine. how can join it? when will the application call for next batch????

  6. Chathushka Satharasinghe Avatar
    Chathushka Satharasinghe

    I need to apply for medicine..I would like to join defense to do it?when will the application call for next medical batch? please inform me regarding this.I am in hurry to join it.thank you sir.

    1. Prasanna Avatar

      Dear chathushka,
      Recently they have called application for degrees programmes. Pls be with synergyy we will inform everyone when they invites next batch.

  7. Shashikala Kumarasinghe Avatar
    Shashikala Kumarasinghe

    need information about the
    external LLB degree 2013 and how can I join it? when will the application call for 2013?

  8. rafeek Avatar

    I want to know how to apply for the medicine and other courses. and want to know the expenses.And when will you again call for new batches.

  9. Supun Vihanga Avatar
    Supun Vihanga

    Dear sir, I want to know whether how to apply for a engineer course in the KDU and when will the application call for 2013.

  10. Amila rathnayaka Avatar
    Amila rathnayaka

    Is it possible for the 2011 A/L students to apply for the next medicine batch

  11. Amila rathnayaka Avatar
    Amila rathnayaka

    Is it possible for the 2011 A/L students to apply for the next medicine batch?

    1. Prasanna Avatar

      Dear Amila,
      Pls Call Sri John Kotelawala Defence University,


  12. nuwan Avatar

    Dear sir,
    i applied to kothalawala univercity.But still i haven’t received any calling z score is 0.8823
    and the admission num is 9042717.plz be kind enough to let me know why this happens.
    thanks in advance

    1. Prasanna Avatar

      Dear Nuwan,
      we are 3rd Party website to help students and passing information.

      pls do call University and asked about the procedure,


  13. nuwan Avatar

    Dear sir,
    i applied to kothalawala univercity.But still i haven’t received any calling z score is 0.8823
    and the admission num is 9042717.plz be kind enough to let me know why this happens.
    thanks in advance!!

  14. M.A.S.G.Molagoda Avatar

    Dear sir,
    i have completed my A/L exam 2012(in commerce scheme) and seeking for a degree program. I would like to get information about Kothalawala Academy and the date of enrolling next batch.

    1. Prasanna Avatar

      Its Already Closed my friend

  15. gihani shehara Avatar

    i want yo know about the managemant degrees in the deffence university.because i like to join with you..i am a student in grade 13.

  16. gihani shehara Avatar

    also i want to know about the applications.

  17. malan Avatar

    Mta dana ganna puluwanda 2013 year ekata application gasat kranne kawadda kiyla?
    Thank u…

  18. Akila Avatar

    Need to know more information about the application form for the year 2013

  19. Tilan Samith Avatar
    Tilan Samith

    i want to know about the applications for 2013.

    1. Prasanna Avatar

      I hope they call applications in September 2013, Pls try to contact them

  20. Deshan Avatar

    I did my A/L’s this year and waiting for results. After the results come, can i complete the degree as a civil student? I meant without joining the army.

    1. Prasanna Avatar

      Yes you can, but there is an exams for you to sits

      1. Deshan Avatar

        Exam in what field?
        Anyway I’m interested in Aeronautical engineering or Electrical and Electronic fields. So should i have more qualifications in addition to the A/L result? Also what is the minimum A/L result you expect

  21. Deshan Avatar

    Exam in what field?
    Anyway I’m interested in Aeronautical engineering or Electrical and Electronic fields. So should i have more qualifications in addition to the A/L result? Also what is the minimum A/L result you expect?

    1. Prasanna Avatar

      Please Check on above Links

  22. shashikala senevirathna Avatar
    shashikala senevirathna

    i need to know about LLB degree.i think sir jhon kothalawala acadmy is the most sutiable place for me

    1. Prasanna Avatar

      Yes it is, I am sure you can check all the information by going above links

  23. charuka kakulawala Avatar
    charuka kakulawala

    i need it degree program details.i hope apply 2014.i like kdu.thanx sir,and i like only one dream going to airforce

  24. D.Chanaka Avatar

    dear sir.
    i like to join KDU,i sat gce A/L exam in 2013 from biology,and waiting results comes.i have passed O/L exam in 2010.and got A=4,B=3,C=1,badly no cadet pass for English.i want to know whether can i enter to kdu, will having compleated my C pass in 2014 ol,
    thank you.

  25. nihara sakunali Avatar
    nihara sakunali

    can i join to the KDU Medical Faculty Without Having Army Training?
    If So Is There Are Any Special Exams That I Should Sit?
    Please Inform me

  26. Chaminshala Avatar


  27. gihan rajitha Avatar
    gihan rajitha

    dr sir….
    when will the application call
    for next batch?? plz i’m waitng 4 ur reply.

  28. chamal Avatar

    I want join with kdu coursers but I have not credit for English Language G.C.E O/L Exame. I fallowed Art subjects 2013 G.C.E A/L Political sc.- A
    History – A
    Sinhala – B
    Dear sir Plece tell me Can I Join with Kdu

    1. Prasanna Avatar

      pls contact to KDU

  29. sachiru gamage Avatar
    sachiru gamage

    can i know ,when is the next intake for the year 2014 ?

  30. ravindu Avatar

    sir I want to know my results suit for medicine degree ! my z score is 0.3753 .

    1. Prasanna Avatar

      you should apply and see, or contact to university for last year z-score needed

  31. iruni sachethana Avatar
    iruni sachethana

    sir,i want to know about LLB can i get the application for this…?is there any exam for the selection?plz reply sir

  32. T.Nadeesha Withanage Avatar
    T.Nadeesha Withanage

    Dear Sir,

    I want to know about LLB degree. Now I am 30 Years old.I am doing a job. Sir, please tell me can’t we do this degree weekends.Is there any selection test? Please reply me sir.

    1. Prasanna Avatar

      yes you can do LLB at Open University as Part time and weekend batch.
      thats the only options you have to obtain LLB other than following london degree programmes.

  33. Ishanka udari de silva Avatar
    Ishanka udari de silva

    sir,i like to attend medicine course in KDU.I did A/L in 2014 from the bio i’m waiting for results.and i have 9’A’s for O/L 2011. can i know when will you call application for 2014 batch?

    1. Prasanna Avatar

      you have to check on KDU Site

  34. ishanka silva Avatar
    ishanka silva

    Dear sir,
    i like to attend medicine course in KDU for 2014 A/L batch.I wrote A/L exam in 2014 and now i’m waiting for my results.I have 9’A’s for O/L exam in please can i know when will you call application for 2014 batch?

  35. Rochell Fernando Avatar
    Rochell Fernando

    I sat for als exam in 2014.I have got a B pass for biology,C for chemistry and an S pass for physics.Can I study medicine in KDU?Can I know the date for call of application for the 2014 batch?

  36. Geeshan Ranaweera Avatar
    Geeshan Ranaweera

    Sir., I wan’t to know is there any non payment basis bsc digrees available in para medicine stream such as pharmacy?

  37. Chalani Ransika Avatar
    Chalani Ransika

    I have done my A/L’s in 2014 in bio science stream. I got achieved A pass for biology and B passes for both chemistry and physics. My Z score was 1.589 . I want to know whether i can apply for the MBBS programme in KDU.and also the date of application for the 2014 batch.
    Thank you.

  38. pavani Avatar

    I want to know how to apply for medicine in KDU? And also what are the qualifications for the above course.

  39. nirmal kanchana Avatar
    nirmal kanchana

    can i apply engineering in kdu now?

    1. Prasanna Avatar

      you can apply only on when the new applications calls, visit for more details

  40. Malki Maneesha Avatar

    I want to aware that my zscore amount is suitable for the faculty of medicine.It’s1.8151.what qualifications are you expecting from us.when the interview is. please send me some details about that as soon as pssible.thank you.

  41. K.D Anura Wijayarathna Avatar
    K.D Anura Wijayarathna


    Sir. My dauther would like to join Sri Lanka Millitary as Cadet
    Officer. Can she apply for MBBS Medical Degree in Sir Jhon
    Kothalawala Univercity.Please Send me details how can my Dauther
    Apply for this.Waiting your kind corporation.

    1. Prasanna Avatar

      Dear Mr. K.D Anura Wijayarathna

      this is a informer to the public, i please you to request from the KDU for enrollment details


  42. K.D. Anura Wijayarathna Avatar
    K.D. Anura Wijayarathna


    My daughter would like to join Sri Lanka Millitary as Cadet Officer.
    can she follow MBBS medical degree in Sir Jhon Kothalawala
    University .How can she apply please send me details waiting your kind corporation.

  43. sahani Avatar

    i did A/L in 2014,my z-score is 0.7080,can i apply to medicine in kdu ?

    1. Prasanna Avatar

      Dear Sahani,

      i don’t think so, you can try, but i hope medicine is needed higher z-score

  44. Chathunka Perera Avatar
    Chathunka Perera

    Dear sir/madam,
    In this year (2015) I have done my A/l examination in Technology stream. .
    I done ICT subject as one of
    a main subject.
    Sir,I’m willing to follow a software engineering course in kothalawala defence university.but I don’t no further details their.can I got more information about it and also I need Contact number of kothalawala defence university..I waiting for good response for this..

    1. Prasanna Avatar

      Dear Chathunka,

      kothalawala defence university call applications time by time, but the enrollment is limited with no of seat allowcated for Private and Public selector employees or students.

      be on touch with, we will update soon as they call for application.


  45. Malsha Avatar

    I want to know how to apply to the Medical faculty in KDU.Please be kind to inform me

    1. Malsha Avatar

      I have 0.8479 z-score in bio science in 2015.Can I apply to the medicine in KDU?

      1. Prasanna Avatar

        Dear Malsha,

        Pls check their applications,


      2. Janani Dilrukshi Avatar
        Janani Dilrukshi

        Oyata kdu medicine awada.mama 2016 A/L 0.8776 zscor.mata kdu medicine yanna puluwan weida dr

  46. Malsha Avatar

    I have 0.8479 z-score in bio science in 2015.Can I apply to the medicine in KDU?

  47. mereshi rashmika Avatar
    mereshi rashmika

    dear sir,i got 1.1338 z-score in bio science can apply for medicine in kdu.

    1. Prasanna Avatar

      dear Mereshi,
      i hope the application calling has been over by now.


  48. chamil Avatar

    I have London O/L & A/L how do i enter KDU

  49. abshir Avatar

    sir I’m 2015 AL batch Maths student
    I taken 3s then I not join this year
    can I join next year at KDU

    1. Prasanna Avatar

      No you can’t apply for next year with the previous year results.

  50. Janani Dilrukshi Avatar
    Janani Dilrukshi

    Dear sir I got 0.8776 z-scor in bio science.can I apply KDU medicine?

    1. Prasanna Avatar

      i would recommended to apply and see, but the chances are very less.

  51. Kavindya Avatar

    Dear Sir, if im a dual citizen do i apply as a foreign candidate and can i apply for medicine as a fee levying student? ( I did London A levels). Thank you

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