Srilanka becomes 45th Country to own a Communication Satellite and becomes third South Asian Country to Launched Satellites after India and Pakistan. The Satellite Supreme SAT I would be a milestone for Srilankan Communication Technology and generate Foreign incomes with commercial operations.
The Satellite Supreme SAT I will be launched from Xichang Satellite launch centre in China today and will be positioned above Srilanka in the Geo-Stationary orbit at 87.5 degree east and will operational for commercial purposes.
The Board of Investment (BOI) enter an agreement in early this year into partnership with Supreme SAT (Pvt) Ltd to Launched its communication satellite for Srilanka. the Supreme SAT is an 27th Private company in the word to own satellite. The Satellite Supreme SAT will be established a satellite earth station at Pallekele in Kandy soon.
The Supreme SAT in negotiation between Maldives and Afghanistan to build satellite for them.
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