The Sri Lanka Export Development Board (EDB) in collaboration with the Sri Lanka Embassy in People’s Republic of China proposes to organize a Sri Lanka pavilion at Hong Kong House ware Fair 2013, to be held at Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre, from 20th – 23rd April 2013.
Hong Kong House ware fair is the Asia’s Largest House ware fair organized by the Hong Kong Trade Development Council (HKTDC)
It is proposed to select 6-8 exporters/potential exporters from following product categories.
- Ceramic tableware, utility ware and ornamental ware
- Furniture
- Gardening & Outdoor Accessories
- Kitchenware & Gadgets
- Home Decoration & Handicrafts
- Paintings & Objects d’ Art
- Artificial flowers
- Health & Personal care items
The total cost of participation will have to be borne by the participants. EDB may consider assistance towards booth cost.
Applications should be made on the prescribed form available at the Industrial Products Division of the Sri Lanka Export Development Board, or download from the web site: (under the section “Trade fairs “).
Duly completed applications should be sent under registered post or by fax (011 – 2303025) to reach the Director/ Industrial Products, Sri Lanka Export Development Board, No. 42, Navam Mawatha, Colombo 02, before 31st January 2013. Participants will be selected by an interview panel.
For further details please contact Ms. Manoja on Tel: 2300727,2300705-11 Ext.356
Fax: 2303025 or email:

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