The High Commission of India, Colombo yesterday announced several ICCR scholarships.
Indian Undergraduate Degree Scholarships for 2013
The Nehru Memorial Scholarship Scheme 2013
100 Number of Scholarships available to Srilanka Students for all undergraduate courses (except Medicine) including Engineering, Science, Business, Economics, Commerce, Humanities and Arts.
Application Closing Date: 10th February 2013
Click Here for Nehru Memorial Scholarship Application Forms
Rajiv Gandhi Scholarship Scheme2013
25 Number of Scholarships available to Srilanka Students for undergraduate courses in the field of ‘Information Technology’ leading to a B.E or B.Tech Degree.
Application Closing Date: 10th February 2013
Click Here for Rajiv Gandhi Scholarship Application Forms
Indian Postgraduate Degree Scholarships for 2013
Maulana Azad Scholarship Scheme 2013/14
25 Number of Scholarships available to Srilankan Citizens for Masters Degrees courses including Engineering, Science, Economics, Commerce, Humanities and Arts. Preference would be given to the fields of Engineering, Science and Agriculture. Medicine and MBA subjects are not included in this scheme.
Application Closing Date: 20th February 2013
Click Here for Maulana Azad Scholarship Application Forms
Commonwealth Scholarship Scheme 2013/14
5 Number of Scholarships available to Srilankan Citizens for Masters and PhD Degrees in all subjects excluding Medicine.
Application Closing Date: 20th February 2013
Click Here for Commonwealth Scholarship Application Forms
SAARC Scholarship 2013/14
2 Number of Scholarships available to Srilankan Citizens for Masters and PhD Degrees in all subjects except Medicine.
Application Closing Date: 20th February 2013
Click Here for SAARC Scholarship Application Forms
For more information Visit Ministry of higher Education Website by Click here
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