Registration for Postgraduate Courses (MAQ, M.A., M.Phil., & Ph.D.) 2014
Applications are invited from qualified persons for enrolment in the Master of Arts Qualifying (MAQ), Master of Arts (M.A.), Master of Philosophy (M.Phil) and Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D) Degree Programs conducted by the Faculty of Graduate Studies in the disciplines listed under the respective Board of Study of the Faculty.
Board of Study in Social Sciences
- History, Archaeology; M.A.Q., M.A. by Course work, M.A. by Research, M.Phil and Ph.D.
- Anthropology; Only M.A. by Research, M.Phil. and Ph.D.
- Sociology; Only for M.A. by Course work, M.A. by Research, M.Phil. and Ph.D.
- Criminology; Only for M.A. by Course work, M.A. by Research, M.Phil. and Ph.D.
- Economics; Only for M.A. by Research M.Phil. and Ph.D
- Political Science; Only for M.A.Q. M.A. by Research, M.Phil. and Ph.D.
- Geography; Only for M.A. by Course work, M.A. by Research, M.Phil. and Ph.D.
Board of Study in Humanities
Pali, Buddhist Philosophy, Buddhist Civilization, Philosophy and Psychology, Sinhala, Sanskrit, Cultural Studies, Hindi; M.A.Q., M.A. by Course work, M.A. by Research, M.Phil. and Ph.D.
- Mass Communication ; Only for M.Phil. and Ph.D.
- Hindi; Only for M.A.Q. M.A. and M.Phil.
Board of Study in Physical Sciences
Statistics, Physics, Mathematics, Physical / Analytical Chemistry, Computer Science, IT only for M.Phil. and Ph.D.
Board of Life Sciences
Botany, Zoology, Forestry and Environmental Science, Chemistry, Food Science and Technology; Only for M.Phil and Ph.D.
Board of Study in Medical Sciences
Anatomy, Biochemistry, Food & Nutrition, Physiology, Parasitalogy, Microbiology, Pharmacology, Forensic Medicine, Community Medicine, Clinical Medicine, Surgery Paediatrics, Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Family Medicine, Pathology, Psychiatry, Medical Education and Health Sciences: Only for M.Phil and Ph.D.
- Only those who are registered with the Sri Lanka Medical Council (SLMC) are eligible to apply for M.Phil., Ph.D, Degrees in Clinical subjects.
Multidisciplinary Study Board
Multidisciplinary areas (involving two or more subjects / disciplines)
- Only for M.Phil/Ph.D.
Relevant information and application forms can be obtained from the Senior Assistant Registrar, Faculty of Graduate Studies, University of Sri jayewardenepura, Gangodawila, Nugegoda on production of receipt in support of a payment of Rs. 1000/= to University Account 0097-1-001-8-2315467 at the People’s Bank, Gangodawila, Nugegoda.
Paying vouchers are obtainable from the Office of the Faculty of Graduate Studies, Applications will be accepted upto 31.12.2013. The closing date will not apply to those applicants who wish to register for courses in M.Phil and Ph.D.
- The Students who wish to register under the Board of Study 1 and 2 will be considered for registration of 01st January / 1st July. In a particular year depending on the time of submission of application and completion of prerequisites if any.
- The Students who wish to register under the Board of Study 03, 04 and 05 will be considered for registration on 01st January / 01st April / 01st July / 01st October in a particular year depending on the time of submission of applications and completion of pre requisites if any.
Applicants who wish to register for courses in the Life Sciences, Physical Sciences or Medical Sciences should ensure that they have research funds / grants to enable them to undertake the proposed study. They are advised to consult the relevant Heads of the Department for further information prior to submitting the formal application.
The Tamil Translation of the above advertisement has published in the University Web ( )
For more information see below image

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