The 29th General Convocation of the University of Jaffna will be held on 10th January 2014 for the conferment of Post-Graduate Degrees / Degrees and Diplomas. Those who have passed the following Examinations after 01st March 2013 are kindly requested to supplicate on or before 15th December 2013 following the instructions.
University of Jaffna
1. Doctor of Philosophy
2. Master of Philosophy
3. Master of Arts in Public Administration
4. Master of Arts in Development Studies
5. Master of Arts in Tamil
6. Master of Arts in Saiva Shiddanta
7. Master of Education
8. Post Graduate Diploma in Education (Jaffna / Vavuniya)
9. Post Graduate Diploma in library & Information Science
10. Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery
11. Bachelor of Science in Nursing
12. Bachelor of Pharmacy
13. Bachelor of Science in Medical laboratory Science
14. Bachelor of Siddha Medicine and Surgery
15. Bachelor of Law
16. Bachelor of Science in Agriculture
17. Bachelor of Business Administration
18. Bachelor of Commerce
19. Bachelor of Science (General / Special)
20. Bachelor of Science in Computer Science
Vavuniya Campus
21. Bachelor of Business Management (General / Special)
22. Bachelor of Science (Applied Mathematics ft Computing) (General)
23. Bachelor of Science (Special) in Computer Science
24. Bachelor of Science in Environmental Science (General / Special)
25. Bachelor of Information ft Communication Technology (General)
26. Bachelor of Science in Information ft Communication Technology (Special)
27. Diploma in English
* Candidates who sat the following examinations have to apply once the results are released.
1. Bachelor of Arts (General / Special)
2. Bachelor of Fine Arts (Music / Dance / Art ft Design)
1. Supplication Forms
A sample Application form is given below. Candidates can either prepare the same in an A4 Sheet or copy the same from the University of Jaffna Web site for supplication.
2. Fees :
- Supplication Fee: Rs. 200.00
- Certificate Fee: Rs. 350.00
- Gown Fee: Rs. 50.00
Note: Following graduands need not pay supplication fee and Gown hire fee.
- Those who opt to get their degree In absentia
- Those who were conferred with ordinary Diplomas of one / two years
3. Method of Payment
Payments should be made at any branch of the People’s Bank in favour of the University of Jaffna. Account No. 162 100160000880 of the People’s Bank, Jaffna University Branch. (Please write your Name & Student Registration No. In the Bank slip)
Please note that the original copy of the payment receipt should be sent along with the Supplication Form whilst retaining a photocopy for candidate’s record.
4. Gowns ft Guest Tickets
Graduands who supplicate to receive degree ‘In Person* will be issued a gown and a Guest Ticket for the Convocation at the Academic Branch.
5. Dues to the University
Certificates will not be issued to those who fail to discharge any Liabilities or dues to the University.
6. Submission of Supplication Forms
Supplication Forms duly perfected with Payment Receipt should be either handed over or posted under Registered Cover to the following Addresses on or before 15.12.2013.
Graduands of the University of Jaffna
Senior Assistant Registrar / Admissions, University of Jaffna, Jaffna.
Graduands of the Vavuniya Campus of the University of Jaffna
Senior Assistant Registrar / Examination, Vavuniya Campus of the University of Jaffna, Vavuniya.
Closing date of Supplication : 15.12.2013
Late supplication will not be entertained. For further details please contact Senior Assistant Registrar / Admissions at Telephone No. 021 2226714.
For more information see below image

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