Department of Education invites applications for the G.C.E (A/L) Examination applications for the Private candidates.
The Applications of private candidates for the above examination will be received from 24.02.2014 to 28.03.2014. Candidates are advised to read this notice carefully and follow the instructions given herein before filling up the application forms and also to make sure to select exactly the correct Town Number and Subject Numbers. Candidates are allowed to offer a maximum of three main subjects.
Private Candidate (Only those who have obtained the school-leaving certificate can apply as private candidates. It is completely prohibited for anyone to sit this examination as a private candidate, while still being in school. If such a sitting is discovered, the examination results will be invalidated and they will be debarred from sitting any future examinations)
Needs of G.C.E (A/L) General English Subject too
Apart from the three main subjects and the Common General Test, candidates may apply for the subject, “General English” too. However, the grade obtained for this subject will not be considered for University Entrance. The grade received will be entered in the G.C.E. (A.L.) Certificate.
For more information see below Link attached
For Details in Sinhala Click Here
For Details in Tamil Click Here
For Details in English Click Here
G.C.E A/L 2014 Examination Time table would be as below

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