The Kinjou offer the Safari Village Hotel services at Uda Walawa and Wasgomuea, the services are available at a 20% of upto 19th May 2014.
Safari Village Hotel at Uda Walawa
- 18 rooms with hot and cold water showers
- 1st Hotel Opened In Udawalawa
- 40 Foot Now Swimming Pool
- 15 Min Drive To National Park
- 5 Min Drive To Elephant Orphanage
Rs. 3500/- + 10% S/C per person H/B (Non A/C)
Guests who stay two or more night at the hotel are entitled to a half a day safari tour free of charge
Contact No : 047 2233201, 047 4920982
Tel: Colombo 0112589477, 011 2591728 (9.30 am to 4 30 pm only)
E-mail –
Website :www.safarivilliagehotel,con
Safari Village Hotel at Wasgomuwa
- 30 min drive to mahiyangana temple
- 1 hour drive to dambana vedda comunity
- 12 cottages facing beautiful dunuwila lake
- 1st hotel opened in wasgamuwa (since 1998)
Guests who stay two or more night at the hotel are entitled to a half a day safari tour free of charge
To Wasgomuwa 2.5 hours drive from Kandy through beautiful newly constructed 18 bends road Rs. 3500/- * 10% S/C per person H/B (Non A/C)
For more details see below image

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