In some parts of the country, availability and quality of drinking water is reducing at an unprecedented pace due to various factors. Most of these areas are also stricken by poverty causing people more vulnerable. Although many other drinking water options are available, year round availability and quality is a question.
Therefore, Rain Water Harvesting can be a good option to supply safe drinking water for households throughout the year.
The Competition
The problem is how poor can afford to have their own rainwater harvesting system as the initial cost of present rain water harvesting systems (Material & Labour) has become high.
Can you think of a design to help the society to resolve this problem?
Do you have ideas of rainwater harvesting methods I techniques? The Lanka Rain Water Harvesting Forum is organizing a design competition on concept stage works by individual designers and/or institutes. It is very important that the submitted design proposal should be feasible to realize using today’s technology. Lanka Rainwater Harvesting Forum, the leading organization promoting rainwater harvesting in Sri Lanka look for your support to invent an innovative method for the storage of rainwater for household use, especially for the drinking purposes.
To develop a low cost Rain Water Harvesting Tank, affordable and adaptable by the poor communities.
The competition will be conducted in two stages. At first stage, four concepts will be selected and a prize of Rs. 25,000.00 and a certificate will be awarded for each concept. At the second stage, the selected four concepts will be field tested and for the best selected model, a prize of Rs.75,000.00 will be awarded
Applications & Further Information
Application forms and further details of the competition can be obtained from the Lanka Rain Water Harvesting Forum website or contacting us at the address given below. Your concepts should be handed over to us before 31st May 2014.
Address: “Rain Center”,
No. 41/12, New Parliament Road,
Or see below image for more details

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