The Samsung Srilanka offer a great cash back combos; the offers brings you the saving upto Rs. 19,845.00 along with Samsung Galaxy Smartphone and Gear Smart watches.
This is a limited offer. If you own a Samsung Galaxy S Series mobiles or Samsung Galaxy Note 3 you could also be purchased separately for a special price.
- The Galaxy S5 LTE With Gear Neo or FIT for Rs. 121,644/- and Save Rs. 19,845/-
- The Galaxy S4 With Gear Neo or FIT for Rs.100,153/- and save Rs. 9845/-
- The Galaxy Note 3 LTE with Gear Neo or FIT for Rs. 135,153/- and save Rs. 9,845/-
For more details about the promotion contact to Samsung Helpline on 0115 900000, 0117 540540

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