University Entrance Cut off Marks 2015 will be Released Now at

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University Grants Commission announced that UCG will release the Srilanka Government University Entrance Cut off marks for (Cut-off Z-score marks based on) 2014 (A/L) today 5th October 2015.

Check here to check University Entrance Cut off Marks

Minimum Z-scores for selection to courses of study for each district and detailed information of course selection based on the GCE (A/L) Examination in 2014 will be available from 5th October 2015 and can be accessed through the following modes;
1. Websites

2. Call 1919 (Government Information Centre)
3. SMS to 1919

Format: ugc <space> Index Number -> send to 1919
Example: ugc 2223322 ->send to 1919

4. Call UGC – 0112695301, 0112695302, 0112692357, 0112675854

All the very best for those who has been selected to the university; if you have not been selected; don’t worry about it there are planty of educational options available in srilanka, such as Open University of Sri lanka, NIBM and many private universities and professional Qualification.

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34 responses to “University Entrance Cut off Marks 2015 will be Released Now at”

  1. saduni Avatar

    2015 art walata z score kohomad

    1. Prasanna Avatar

      you can check ok old first application book.

  2. Madu Avatar

    Mage z eka 0.8477 bio walin.mama campus select na kyla thamai page eke disply wune.bottuwakwath set wena ekak nadda?

    1. Prasanna Avatar

      Dear Madu,

      i don’t think you can get into university for Z-Core of 0.8477, if you feel you can get, you can reapply for it.


  3. S.Heishan Avatar

    I have been selected for Engineering at ruhunu university and i would like to go to peradeniya.If any one like to go on mutual transfer pl contact me.

  4. G.tharmitha Avatar

    I am miss Gnanasegaram tharmitha(6829953) from batticaloa I have got the z.score 0.9893 i have applied for art &design course to vipulananda and ramanathan z.score is enough to both two university so i would like to know to what happened to me lower Z.score students than me got the course. AS I am under poverty line please check my application form and grant the university admission in the waiting list.
    thank you

    1. Prasanna Avatar

      Dear Tharmitha,

      If your sure than less than your z-core people get into university, than you can re-appeal to UGC for your application. definitely there will be a good response.


  5. randima Avatar

    Colombo campus eke art patangnn kal ynawada

    1. Prasanna Avatar

      you will get to know by post.

  6. Hashani Akalanka Avatar
    Hashani Akalanka

    Mata heta register veemata ruhuna campus eke agri management course eka avith thiyenava. Mama ekata register novee purappadu piraveema yatathe bio science vage avoth ekata register veemata puluvanda?

    1. Prasanna Avatar

      Dear Hashani,

      i am not sure about it.


  7. sunedha Avatar

    mama ugc book eka apply kala eth mage z agaya 0.8689 physics stream eth man apply kala ekakatawath mata avith naa not applicable kiyala view wenne man mokada karanne ugc kiwwa kalin call karala hoyala balannam kiwwa mn apply kala ewage cutoff me agayata wada adu ewa tiyenawa man anuradhapure plss ikmanin me gana hoyaa balanna yomu ankaya 200720

    1. Prasanna Avatar

      Dear Sunedha,

      if your result sheet stated nor applicable, you can’t apply. but if some official inform to do so, you can call them on the same number and ask more details,


  8. Chathuri warnakulasooriya Avatar
    Chathuri warnakulasooriya

    Kawadada ane art faculty patan ganne?

    1. Prasanna Avatar

      Sorry. No idea by now

  9. rangana Avatar

    Mata register veemata ruhuna campus eke agri management course eka avith thiyenava. mata register veemata 25 sita sathiyaka kalayak ganda puluwanda? closing date 25,

    1. Prasanna Avatar

      Dear Rangana,

      if your closing date is 25th, don’t wait till last moments. better go and register is before as possible

  10. abdul majeed fathima hazeena Avatar

    Biological science studentskku eppo university start pannum

    1. Prasanna Avatar

      Very Soon Hazeena

  11. abdul majeed fathima hazeena Avatar

    Dear sir
    I have been selected to biological science at eastern
    Now fillings the vacancies
    My z score is 1.1704
    So can I have got any course

    1. Prasanna Avatar

      dear Hazeen,

      you can see last year Cut off sheet and decided accordingly. because Z-Core and no of students enrollment are vary every year. so you may have a chance for some other best degree too.


  12. fathima Avatar

    my z.core 0.95.i did arts i in waiting list?

    1. Prasanna Avatar

      Hope for the best Fathima.

  13. h.b geethya Avatar
    h.b geethya

    i have been selected for the rajarata university under
    engineering technology stream for the information communication technology degree 2015/2016 academic year
    due to my health problem could i have a chance to transfer
    or mutual to sri Jayawardenepura ,kelaniya or ruhuna campus
    for same degee course.already i have submitted a letter to ugc regarding under filling of instruct help me without delay.

    1. Prasanna Avatar

      Dear Geethya,

      If you have submitted a letter, yes you can. But if you won’t receive any letter by the day university enrollment day, you may need to enroll it for Rajarata University.


  14. dj Avatar

    anuradhapura art stream eken keeyak ganieda 2016 result walata…mage rank eka 374mwa select weida monama ekakinwath?

    1. Prasanna Avatar

      selection is not based on ranking system, its based on Z-Core basis.

  15. ovindu Avatar

    MN badullen maths kre.2016.,Mt C3k thynw,z score EK 0.95..
    Mt MN wge cause ekkt set wenn puluwnd?

    1. Prasanna Avatar

      Hello Ovindu,

      Check your z-core and you can find the degree programme suitable to you.
      all the best,

  16. Gobinath Avatar

    now I am studying computer science course at Tricomalee campus as first year student for 3 weeks. but I now would like to go to Jaffna campus for the same course, because it is quality enough for computer science .if not I have to leave from the campus. please give me a suggestion.

    1. Prasanna Avatar

      Dear Gobinath,

      if you leave the university its seems your out from the opportunity, so i won’t suggest you that. now you can find if there anyone would love to inter change from Jaffna University to Trincomalee University.
      if so you can transfer your course.

      i would suggest, try your best to learn from there and use all available resources and be a good computer engineer. and make proud to your campus in future with your success.

  17. rashmi Avatar

    Mama Rashmi .mama kale technology.z.0.8009 Colombo walin 72 Mt university ekk eid

  18. Sahan Avatar

    Mn bio wlin al kre.colombo district. Z 1.0914 i.mawa cmpz select wela ati da?

  19. Sahan Avatar

    Samanyen bio strem eken over all kidenek university wlta gannawada?

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