Browns Hospital is the latest venture of Brown & Company PLC, the first one established in a chain of secondary care general hospitals and diagnostic centres to deliver high quality care through comprehensive, integrated clinical practice and personalized care, to every patient, who walks through our doors. Armed with the strong family brand name of ‘Browns’, this hospital attempts to reach rural and urban citizens in Sri Lanka to deliver innovative and patient-centric solutions.
The fully fledged multi-specialty general hospital is equipped with the latest medical diagnostic technology, including modern CT and MRI scanning, and advanced medical and surgical therapeutic technology.
The medical team comprises of highly qualified and recognized visiting consultants in all specialties and in-house doctors as well as top-notch nursing care. Experienced and qualified nurses hailing from both the government and private sector will make up the nursing cadre at Browns Hospital.
Browns Hospitals,
No 43, Mahabage Road,
Ragama, Sri Lanka.
011 5 100 000
for more detail contact to Browns Hospital on 0115100 000 or see below image

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