Sri Lanka Export Development Board Invites applications for the India Rubber Expo 2017 schedule to be on 19th to 21st January 2017 in Chennai, India.
The EDB with the assistance of the Sri Lanka Deputy High Commission in Chennai, India proposes to organize a Sri Lanka pavilion at the 9th India Rubber Expo International Exhibition to be held at the Chennai Trade Centre, Chennai, India from 19th to 21st January 2017.
To develop business contacts with India and other international buyers and explore the possibility of enhancing the visibility and promote Sri Lanka’s rubber products in the international market.
Products to be Promoted
Pneumatic Tyres and Tubes, Solid Tyres, Rubber Gloves, Rubber Foam Mattresses & Pillows, Rubber Carpets, Rubber Sports, Goods, Moulded and Extruded Rubber Products, Rubber Automotive products or any other value added rubber products.
Participants: Rubber products exporters/manufacturers in Sri Lanka.
Cost Of Participation
EDB may consider providing assistance towards part cost of stall rental with basic fixtures and fittings for the selected companies. All other expenses will have to be borne by the participants. Selections will be done by an interview panel appointed by the EDB.
Applications should be made on the prescribed form available at the Industrial Products Division of the EDB. The applications could also be downloaded from the EDB website under “Announcements”. Duly completed applications should be sent to reach the Director, Industrial Products, Sri Lanka Export Development Board, NDB-EDB Tower, No. 42, Nawatn Mawatha, Colombo 02, on or before 10th November 2016.
For further details, please contact Mr. Susantha Premarathna, Assistant Director on Tel: 011-2300705 11 (Ext. 359) or see below image

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