Sri Lanka Technological Campus invites applications for the Engineering, Technology and Business degree programme, and the SLTC offers 100% full scholarship for 3A’s and offers 30% off for each A’s and 20% off for each B’s and 10% off for each C on G.C.E (A/L).
School of Engineering
- BSc Hons Eng in Electronics and Power Systems
- BSc Hons Eng in Electronics and Telecommunication
- BSc Hons Eng in Electronics and Engineering Management
- BSc Hons Eng in Information and Communication Engineering (Software Engineering)
- BSc Hons Eng in Civil Engineering
- BSc Hons Eng in Mechatronics Engineering
- Bio Systems Engineering**
Eligibility Criteria : A minimum of 3S passes in Physical Science Stream (*ICT in place of Chemistry applicable) (**Biological Science Stream applicable)
School of Technology
- BTech Hons in Electronics
- BTech Hons in Process Automation and Control
- BTech Hons in Agricultural Technology
- BTech Hons in Environmental Technology
Eligibility Criteria : A minimum of 3S passes in Physical Science/ ICT/ Biological Science/ Technology Streams
Business School
- BBM Hons in Accounting and Finance
- BBM Hons in Human Resource Management
- BBM Hons in Marketing
- BBM Hons in Tourism and Hospitality Management
- BBM Hons in Supply Chain Management
- BBM Hons in Operations Management
Eligibility Criteria : A minimum of 3S passes in Commerce/ Arts/ Physical Science/ ICT/ Biological Science / Technology Streams
The Best Funding Option
Students who wish to receive further financial assistance may apply for the collateral free loan facility from NDB Bank
The True Experience of University Life
Amphitheatre, Badminton & Squash court, Gymnasium, Multi court sports complex, Cricket / Rugby, Football Grounds etc…
For more details contact SLTC on 0112 100 500 or see below image

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