Singer Finance IPO

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About Singer Finance

Singer Finance Lanka Ltd IPO Prospectus
Singer Finance Lanka Ltd IPO Prospectus

The Singer Finance is one of the subsidiaries of singer Group. The primary objective of financing the offering is regulatory requirements of the monetary board of Central Bank of Srilanka [mention in Prospectus].

Singer Finance was incorporated on April 19, 2010. The principle business of Singer Finance is acceptance deposits from general public and granting of lease, hire purchase and customer loans.

Initial Public Offering – IPO

Singer Finance [lanka] limited is issuing 26,666,667 Ordinary Voting Shares at 15.00 per each. The total issue is worth about LKR 400 Million. The company’s total market capitalization to approximately of 1.6 Billion with the new share issues.

The Singer finance is offering a 25% [26,666,667 shares] additional share to be Initial Public offering the balance 74.99% [79,999,998 shares] held by Singer [Srilanka] PLC.

The Investors are instructed a minimum subscription should be 100 shares and the excess subscription should be multiples of 100 shares.

It’s opening for Initial Public offering from December 15, 2010. Closing date of January 04, 2011 or a day which issues became oversubscribed.

Prospectus and Application Form of SInger Finance IPO

Investors can collect the prospectus and application forms at all the stock brokers, NDB bank branches, NDB Investment bank and singer Finance branches from 1st December, 2010. or the Prospectus and Application Form is available in Colombo Stock Exchange website

Colombo Stock Exchange:-

Prospectus                  : –

Application Form        : –

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One response to “Singer Finance IPO”

  1. Naren Avatar

    It was an awesome info. but the investment opportunity depends on the following question i guess.
    How reliable singer finance is? specially political influences? stability? please.


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