Category: NEWS
Grade 1 Applications – 2015 intake for S. Thomas’ College Mount Lavinia calls now – Apply between 2nd June to 10th June 2014
Applications are called for vacancies in Grade 01 at S. Thomas’ College, Mount Lavinia for the year 2015 for boys of 5 years of age as at 31 /I /15. Those who wish to apply should collect an application form from the College Office on any school day between 2pm and 3pm during the period…
Beware! Outdated chocolates re-entering into Srilanka market
Chocolate lovers need to check twice their favourite international brands before buying as recent raids reveal outdated chocolates imported from India are introduced into the market with new labels or end up as chocolate delights, officials said. Large stocks of outdated chocolates with a market value of Rs. 100 million were seized from a warehouse…
New Vehicle Valuation and tax scheme will increase the prices of vehicles by Rs. 400,000 to Rs. 500,000
As news stated the Customs Director General Jagath Wijeweera inform the customs department is deciding on the value of brand new vehicles instead of accepting the declaration by the importers. This has decisions has make in the detail investigation on vehicles importers undervalued the vehicle valuation while imports, its including few leading companies too. This…
Competition on Innovative Low Cost Methods Techniques for Rain Water Storage – Application Closing date for 31st May 2014
Introduction In some parts of the country, availability and quality of drinking water is reducing at an unprecedented pace due to various factors. Most of these areas are also stricken by poverty causing people more vulnerable. Although many other drinking water options are available, year round availability and quality is a question. Therefore, Rain Water…
Competition on creation of TV and Radio advertisement – Closing date on 25th May 2014
The Central Environment Authority is organizing a competition on creation of TV and radio advertisements to mark the World Environment Day on 5th June, 2014, Applications are called from Production Houses involved in TV and radio advertising and media personnel. The CEA will accept own-creations, in DVD or CD format, which illustrate the achievement of…
Kandy Nursing ventures kidney transplant
Kandy Nursing Horne has successfully ventured into Kidney transplant with a reputed kidney transplant surgeon and a team of competent medical and para medical staff according to International standards with medically accepted donors provided by the patients. Today many transplants have been successfully performed by this team with much success at a moderate cost to…