Category: Prasanna’s Diary (Sharing)

  • Bank of Ceylon UK Branch services for Exporters/ Importers from the UK and the Euro Zone

    Whatever your export/import requirement, whoever your counterparty in the UK or the Euro Zone, we, the only Sri Lankan Bank in UK/Eurozone are ready to facilitate you; Talk to us directly or encourage your supplier/buyer in the UK or the Euro Zone to talk to us. We are ready to be your international contact with…

  • Extra Classes for Students who face G.C.E (O/L) examinations in 2014

    Principles of Western Province schools have been unstructured to take steps to ensure their students to obtain better results in the G.C.E (O/L) Examination. It has been projection that North Western, Uva and Sabaragamuwa may have better results than a western province. The Western Province Acting Education Director Wimal Gunaratne, said schools had been told…

  • Seminars on export, import procedures organise by Ceylon Chamber of Commerce (CCC) and Customs

    The Ceylon Chamber of Commerce (CCC), in association with the Department of Sri Lanka Customs and supported by DFCC Bank and DFCC Vardhana Bank will hold a series of half-day seminars on export and import procedures in order to educate the trade. The seminar is with an objective to avoid unexpected encounters in Imports and…

  • Is Cargills Beer going out from Beer Business

    In December 2011, Chairmen of Cargills Group made a speech in Srilanka Foundation, that the company is looking to the businesses of Banking and the Breweries. and he  stated that he liked more to diversified their businesses according to the consumer needs and he do explained about the success of Cargills Foodcity and the theme name of…

  • Arpico Interiors for your Interiors works in Srilanka

    Arpico Interiors are offers a wide range of interior designs for your home, office and your guest house to looks fantastic view. The Arpico Interiors is cable to change your interior style is to be traditional or futuristic or anything in-between. The services are inclusive of flooring, carpeting, wall panelling, ceiling lighting, partitions, furniture and…

  • Furniture Prices and Discounts in Colombo – Arpico Furniture

    Furniture and fittings are become mandatory items to the house and it is also to consider it is a kind of fashion to buy the newly design furniture and fittings at an affordable cost. It is a big challenge for you to find good quality furniture at a best price in Colombo Urban city; where…

  • The Pixel Prize photography competition for Sri Lanka is back in 2014 – Apply before 1st August 2014

    Open exclusively to 0/L and A/L students from Sri Lankan High Schools. Australian Catholic University is committed to fostering and empowering young people to engage in the Visual Arts. Visit the website for information on theme, prizes, and to enter the competition. Application closing date will be 1st August 2014. For more details see below…

  • International Conference & Coconut Exhibition 2014 in BMICH Srilanka

    Are you a Coconut Manufacturer or a seller, here is an opportunity for you to find a new market to sale your coconut related products now. Visit to International Conference & Coconut Exhibition 2014 at BMICH, Colombo from 8th to 10th July 2014 and enrich your coconut sale and make used of its by products to…

  • Europa Lighting sale upto 40%

    Make your home beautiful with Europa Lighting solutions at a special discount upto 40% off. The offer gives you better interior designs for your living room and bedroom. For more details visit 84, Dharmapala Mawatha, Colombo 07 or call Europa Lighting on 0770 133 040 see below image for more details

  • Floating market, latest attraction in Colombo

    The construction of the floating market at Bastian Mawatha, which is part of the Colombo City Development Project, implemented by the Urban Development Authority is complete. Thousands of people including foreigners visiting Colombo can buy products at this market where 92 stalls have been set up to sell local products. This floating market also targets…