Tag: daily news
Why Sri Lanka’s Colombo Stock Exchange All-Share Index (ASI) Is Reducing: Local and International Factors, and Alternative Investment Opportunities
In recent months, the Colombo Stock Exchange (CSE) has seen a significant decline in its All-Share Index (ASI). Investors have been concerned by the drop in stock prices, and many are looking for answers to the factors causing this downturn. While stock market fluctuations are a natural part of any economy, the ongoing reduction in…
Wild Elephant Census in Sri lanka to be held in 2023
Most of us, having a question how elephants are in Sri lanka? as per now the official information available date 2011 which is 5,879 elephants. but unofficial counts said there are about 7,000 Elephants in 2019. Ministry of Agriculture, Wildlife and forest conservation said it has been decided to conduct a survey on wild elephants…