The Ceylon Shipping Corporation Limited made an Expression of Interest (EOI) to select a Suitable operator for the passenger ferry service between Colombo & Tuticorin.
The Ceylon Shipping Corporation is seeking a partnership with a reputed local or foreign company to operate the service between Colombo and Tuticorin. According to Shipping Corporations past experience, the Economical viable to operate a 500 Passenger cum Cargo with two round voyages per week is profitable and expectable.
The interested partied are requested to send their operational, Commercial and Financial proposals along with a detailed company profile to the below address on or before 20th February 2012.
Business Development Manager, | |
Ceylon Shipping Corporation Limited, | |
No. 27, Mich Building, | |
Sir razeek Fareed Mawatha (Bristol Street), | |
Colombo 01. | |
Tel: | +94 773 709005 |
Email: | cj@cscl.lk |
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