Srilanka Law College Entrance Exam – Application, Examination and Result Releasing Dates

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Srilanka Law College Entrance Exam – Application, Examination and Result Releasing Dates
Srilanka Law College Entrance Exam – Application, Examination and Result Releasing Dates

The Srilanka Law College is an sole Professional Legal educational Institute in Srilanka; which is only government institutions could provides Attorney at Law professional qualifications and to be practices as Lawyer in Srilanka.

Due to the High Demand of Law professional; the Srilanka Law College conduct an Law Entrance examination and select the candidate.

Srilanka law College Entrance Application Dates

The Srilanka Law College Entrance Applications will call on 3rd week of February to 4th week of March of every year.

The candidates are quested to make a payment of Rs. 3000.00 and get application forms and Course book with pass papers.

The Application may close by 1st week of April.


Srilanka law College Entrance Examination Dates

The Srilanka law College Entrance Examination would held on 1st or 2nd week of August every year.


Srilanka law College Entrance Examination Result Releasing Dates

The Srilanka Law College Entrance Examination result is approximately releasing from 4th week of November to 2nd week of December of Every Year.


All of the above dates are expected dates as per recent trends.

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111 responses to “Srilanka Law College Entrance Exam – Application, Examination and Result Releasing Dates”

  1. farhana Avatar

    i’m M.S.F FARHANA. i’ve selected in law enterance exam 2012 by 81 marks and 5th rank. but i did’nt received the coforming letter and i forget my addmission number aswel. so my kind request that please conform this name is mine thought the home addrass or something else

    1. Prasanna Avatar

      weldone farhana, pls contact to Law College and request your proceeds for more information.

      1. dona thushari Avatar
        dona thushari

        hello is there any way to apply for the law entrance 2016 ? actually i missed it.

        1. Prasanna Avatar

          Not now. Application is already closed.

  2. Purani Avatar

    I am planning to do the Law college entrance exam in 2013. is there is any changes in the syllabus?

    Thank you

  3. sanjeewa Avatar

    i want Law college entrance exam the syllabus.

    Thank you

    1. Prasanna Avatar

      Dear Sanjeewa,
      you could obtain by the Course Book from Law College when they issue applications.


  4. hidaya Avatar

    I think now law college is issuing the application for entrance exam 2013..sir can you tell the closing date of the application???

    1. Prasanna Avatar

      i am not aware it, pls contact to Sri lanka Law College

  5. Gayani Avatar

    sir can you tell the issuing date of the application for entrance exam 2013?????

    1. Rumeshi Gunathilaka Avatar
      Rumeshi Gunathilaka

      I am planning to do the Law college entrance exam in 2014.
      is there is any changes in the syllabus? Course book or Iq Paper? pl tell me sir

      1. Prasanna Avatar

        yes there are classes are available and there are pass papers and syllabus too,
        pls contact sri lanka Law College, than u can obtain those details

  6. mohomad nazal Avatar
    mohomad nazal

    I plan to study law. But i don’t have c pass in english. So sir i kindly ask that can i jont law college. But i did diploma course in english from kandy.

    1. Prasanna Avatar

      Sorry, No idea about it,
      pls contact to Sri lanka Law College

  7. Timasha Avatar

    Hi, I’m Timasha. I’m supposed to sit for the 2013 Law Entrance Exam. A friend of mine said that I can collect the application on the 6th of May, at Aluthkade. I just want to confirm whether it’s true. Can you please tell me where exactly to collect the application and what the requirements are for that? Eg. National ID, etc. Thank you.

    1. Prasanna Avatar

      i am sorry. i will revert you back by monday

  8. zahid Avatar

    im doing law college entrance exam this year. i’ve got course book. but i need some more notes. what can i do for that?

    1. Prasanna Avatar

      you could search on online or go for private classes,

  9. faslihan Avatar

    From: puththalam

  10. krishan Avatar

    i didnt get the admission for law entrance 2013 yet. when is the exam?

    1. Prasanna Avatar

      Exams will be on End September 2013

  11. keerthi Avatar

    when will be the entrance exam held on?

    1. Prasanna Avatar

      End September 2013

  12. mohamed Avatar

    i didn’t found the admission for law entrance 2013. when will issue the admission?

    1. Prasanna Avatar

      its Already over and the next year applications will be issue approximately on March 2014 for the Academic year,

      1. mohamed Avatar

        i ask about the admission not application.

        1. Prasanna Avatar

          if your selected from entrance examination , you should enroll December 2013

          1. mohamed Avatar

            sorry for trouble sir. i would like to know about exam’s admission. i’m not found my admission.

      2. Mohamed Avatar

        sorry for trouble sir. i would like to know about exam’s admission. i’m not found my admission.

  13. ismail Avatar

    hello guys. i didnt get the admission for law entrance 2013 yet. did u get the exam’s admission.

    1. Prasanna Avatar

      Please contact to Sri lanka Law College As soon as possible

  14. Dilini Avatar

    I couldn’t face the law collage entrance exam which was held on last 6th.

    1. Prasanna Avatar

      Try it on Next Time

  15. Hafsa Avatar

    my al resultz is S S W for the 3 main subjects but I hv got a B for english…can I apply with this resultz….?

  16. m.denver4 keil Avatar
    m.denver4 keil

    im from can i get application ?

    1. Prasanna Avatar

      Application is called Now, you can apply now by Post,

  17. m.denver keil Avatar
    m.denver keil

    to tincomalee how can i get application?

  18. T.Navo Avatar

    I have “S” Pass for English, G.C.E – 0/Level and my A/Level result 3S. Because can i sit to law entrance exam?

    1. Prasanna Avatar

      Pls do check the application form attached in

  19. Buvinath Charika Avatar
    Buvinath Charika

    Can I apply for exam now.From where can I get application form

    1. Prasanna Avatar

      Application can obtain from Law College only

  20. Ilma Avatar

    Hello sir, I’ve done my A/L exams this year and hoping to do law.. when and where is the next entrance examination??

    1. Prasanna Avatar

      applications will be call on somewhat 2016 February or March.

  21. Mahendra Avatar

    Dear sir, I plan to study the law,,,, so please let me know how to apply and how to sit the law entrance exam and I want to know about when I can join it for 2016 year. And I want to know the best path to learn the law with in 2 years… Please reply me

    1. Prasanna Avatar

      Dear Madendra,
      they would have select students for 2016, not you can try for 2017, we will post about the application calling dates,


  22. himash Avatar

    my law college is very best and good.i love my law college.i am himash

    1. Prasanna Avatar

      Yes Sri Lanka Law College is one of the best Education providers compare to other universities 🙂

  23. zeenath Avatar

    Is law entrens exam a completion exam?

    1. Prasanna Avatar

      No it is an exam for entering to Law College for studying and be lawyer.


      1. Poorna Avatar

        Can i know when i take law entrance application 2016

  24. Seline Avatar

    Hello Sir. I studied Tamil, Geography, Dance in Arts stream. I have ‘A’ pass in my O/L english exam. Can i sit law entrance exam this year ?? Please reply me.. Thank you!!

    1. Prasanna Avatar

      Dear Seline,

      yes you can, there is no subject restriction for Law Entrance Examination entry requirement,


      1. Fawza Avatar

        I have A passes in english and c in tamil no fail results in O/L with only the O/L result can i sit for low enterence exams..plz concern abt this
        Thank you

        1. Prasanna Avatar

          Not sure, please check the application process when it calls

  25. Theepthika. Avatar

    Hello Sir. I had studies Tamil, Geography, Dance in Arts stream. & I had got ‘A’ pass in O/L english exam, ‘C’ pass in A/L english exam. So can i sit this law entrance exam ?? Are my options of subjects correct to take admission for law entrance exam ??… Please reply me!! Thank you!!

    1. Prasanna Avatar

      Dear Theepthika,

      Yes you can do


  26. A.m.m.Aslam Avatar

    Hi friends i am aslam from Colombo when 2016 law application form please send me a details

  27. Martin Peter Avatar
    Martin Peter

    Further to SLLC statement “The Brochure and the Application Form may be obtained from the College on payment of the requisite fee during the times specified in the Press advertisement announcing the acceptance of applications for the Entrance Examination”, could anyone can clarify the meaning of “payment of requisite fee during the times specified” ?

    1. Prasanna Avatar

      Its mean to get your brochure and application you have to follow this
      1] visit to Law College and asking how much you need to pay for obtaining a Brochure and Applications
      2] Once you made a payment at bank, you have to hand over the recipt to the law college and get your brochure and application.

      i hope this is the same process for ever,


  28. Madushani Fernando Avatar
    Madushani Fernando

    Dear sir,
    Let me know how can I get the law entrance exam application?

    1. Prasanna Avatar

      you have to visit Law college to obtain the application and the application closing date will be 31st March 2016.


    sir can I get my law entrance exam application without me?I mean another one can get my application without me?

    1. Prasanna Avatar

      Yes you can.
      Anyone can visit and get application on behalf ofyou


    to get application,do we carry our o/l,a/l result sheet ?is it essential? without thoes can’t i get it?becoz i don’t have time to collect thoes.reply me soon

    1. Prasanna Avatar

      No you don’t need to carry all for get your application form but you should submit all when you submit the application.
      even you can do Law Entrance Exams with Pending A/L result.

      hurry up application closing date is 31st March 2016.

  31. Sri Avatar

    Hi, I have GCE AL 4s and my OL certificates misplaced somewhere. I had 3C and 5s in OL including sinhala english credit. Hope I;m eligible to do law entrance exam.

    Secondly my age is now 38. Please advise.

    Third, I’m out of the country. Is it possible to do self studies or online. and sit for the exam?
    Thanks. Sri

    1. Prasanna Avatar

      Dear Sir,

      1] you can get copy of your result sheet by department of Examination with a small fee, so that won’t a problem at the time of application
      2] No age limits to be lawyer.
      3] You can learn self study, but you have to sit examination here by yourself,

      between pls note the application for 2016 is close now,

  32. mehala Avatar

    Sir closing date is over. Can I get the application form for low college entrance exam now.? Any chance for me

    1. Prasanna Avatar

      Dear Mehala,

      i don’t think you can get it now, but you can contact to Law College and ask is there any possibilities of getting it now…

      Pls do contact As soon as possible.


  33. sandamali Avatar

    Dear Sir/ Madam,

    I posted my law entrance exam application and forgot write on post card my address. so kindly let me know will reject my application? how can I confirm it and what should I do for that. your kindly consideration is highly appreciated.

    Thank You
    R.K. Sandamali

    1. Prasanna Avatar

      hello Sandamali,

      you can call to law college and explain your problem, they will help you to get your post card,


  34. Yathursika Avatar

    I got 2s with can I get application from law college

    1. Prasanna Avatar

      from A/L you needs 3 Passes,

  35. Yathursika Avatar

    I got 2s w in al bio but I have got 7A2B in ol C pass in al English can I apply in law college

    1. Prasanna Avatar

      i think you need 3 passes in in one sitting, so you may not be able to sit for an exam, alternative solution is sit for Open University Law Degree Programme,


  36. Vathani Avatar

    I have got 2s in science stream is any possibility to study in law college but I got AL English B

    1. Prasanna Avatar

      Yes there won’t be any problem,

  37. Azly Avatar

    Hey! Does anyone know when is the law college entrance exam? It was in September in 2015! Don’t know whether it will come in the same month in this year as well!

  38. Sameer Avatar

    I am an engineering student(3rd year) and I would like to join with law college as my another qualification. Can I know is it possible and if it is so how can I?

    1. Prasanna Avatar

      till you study in university you can’t do it law studies from law college, but you can write for law entrance examinations and if you selected you can postpone your enrollment after completion of your internal degree from Uni.


  39. Niwandana Avatar

    Hello there! How do you apply for the law entrance and for the course? And when is it starting for the next batch?

    1. Prasanna Avatar

      Dear Niwandana,
      most of the time the application calls on 3rd week of February to 4th week of March of every year.

      class starts from January onwards


  40. Thalal Avatar

    to do the entrance exam and to get selected for the law college is it a must to complete A/L? I have no pass results for A/L but completed a BCS(British Computer Society), a professional Qualification, is it possible for me to apply for law college?

    1. Prasanna Avatar

      i hope they accept other qualifications too please see below link for application process

      or you can contact to law College and ask more details


  41. Shamry Avatar

    When will result release 2016?

    1. Prasanna Avatar

      result would have been released already, please check with Law College

  42. dil Avatar

    Can u plz tell me whether i can join law college after completing a science degree and while doing a job?

    1. Prasanna Avatar

      Yes you, but law college in full time programme so you should get leave from your job for 3 years

  43. zoysa Avatar zoysa

    When will the results be release 2016 law entrance….

    1. Prasanna Avatar

      result would have been released already, please check with Law College

  44. Sachini Avatar

    I have faced for law entrance exam last year.when will the results get released ?

    1. Prasanna Avatar

      result would have been released already, please check with law college on above given number

  45. izzath Avatar

    my name is izzath plz tellme when is 2017 law entarnce exam called

  46. Nilu Avatar

    Sir, I am nilu.I got AAB in my A/L…..
    But z score is not enough to join in law faculty.
    But I like to study law.
    When is the exam? And where can I get application?
    Sir, can you give the information about the payments?

  47. Vishani Avatar

    Hello sir,
    I want to do this entrance exam.. From where can I get the application form?

  48. Mihindra deshani Avatar
    Mihindra deshani

    Hlo i need knw how i apply to this…if you can send it to my mail.plz….

  49. Nihali Avatar

    Hello sir
    I had studies biology,chemistry&physics in science streem & I had got S pass in o/l examination so can I sit this low entrance examination?
    My A/L result
    Biology-C chemistry-S physics-S

    1. Nihali Avatar

      sir my o/l examination results for tamil A &English S & a/l exam C2S in science streem

      1. Prasanna Avatar

        Yes you can apply Nihali

    2. Amra Avatar

      When will get our entrance exam admission (2017)

  50. Mahbu nisha Avatar
    Mahbu nisha

    Sorry sir. I did not get my admission so far for the entrance exam.when will be the exam held for 2017? ple.


  51. MRZ Avatar

    When will the entrance exam held (2017)?? I applied the application.. But still I didn’t get admission.. I don’t know I get admission or not.. Could u inform me plss???

  52. Heshan Avatar

    When will the results be release in 2017 law entrance..

  53. Heshan Avatar

    When is the results to be issue of 2017 entrance exam

  54. Chanika Avatar

    I have faced for law entrance exam last year.when will the results get relesed??

  55. Chanika gaweshani Avatar

    When the law enternce exam result relesed 2017 for acdomic year 2018????

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