The women and media collection organise an short Flim competition 2013 with theme of Changing Minds.
We are looking for creative short film scripts that will challenge the existing negative and regressive attitudes towards women and bring about an attitudinal change in society.
Women’s Political Participation, Women’s Role in Peace Building and Reconciliation, Overcoming Gender stereotype, Women Migrant Workers, Portrayal of Women by the Media.
* Please note that you don’t have to be limited to the given examples.
Send in short film scripts (for duration of 2 minutes or less) on or before the 15th of August 2013, in Sinhala, Tamil or English.
Selected entrants will be informed by the end of August 2013 to start the production of your short film. You will be given a duration of approximately 60 days to produce, complete and submit your short film for the competition.
Please note that the scripts as well as the short films can be produced by either individuals or groups.
Tel: +94-11-5632045, 011-5635900,
For more information see below image

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