The Association of Consulting Engineers Sri Lanka conducting 2 day workshop of ICTAD conditions of contracts. Conducted by professional engineers with extensive local & international experience, explains and illustrates the use of the ICTAD conditions of contract of condition.
The course is designed to help the participants working with these documents representing employers’ consultants or contractors.
26th & 27th September 2013 at Center for Banking Studies, Central Bank of Sri Lanka 58, Sri Jayawardenepura Mawatha, Rajagiriya.
For the Investment of Rs. 12,000.00 it covers conference material, refreshments and lunch for 2 days.
You have to pay in favour of association opf consulting engineers Sri Lanka. For further information
Association of Consulting Engineers Sri Lanka, 500/5,Thalapathpitiya Road, Madiwala, Kotte. Tel.0115624503, 0777543589, fax-0112799010
For more information see below image

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