As per the Government of India’s proposal of Building 50,000 Houses to Displaced people have been inaugurated recently. As per word of Government of India, the High Commission of India, Colombo invites Expression of Interest from the eligible organizations to undertake the project of the Indian Housing Project for Construction and Repair of 43,000 housing units in Northern and Eastern Provinces of Srilanka
The eligible and interested organizations may submit their EOI in a sealed cover Superscripted -Indian Housing Project – “Construction and Repair of 43,000 Housing Units in Northern and eastern Provinces” alone with a brief profile of the organization highlights its constitution, Ownership, Organizational structure and main activities and providing list of such projects undertaken to
First Secretary (Political),
High Commission of India,
36-38, Galle Road,
Colombo 03,
Expression of Interest will be closing on 8th February 2012 by 15.00 Hours.
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