The Sri Lankan market place is becoming more and more challenging. We hear the familiar cries in Sri Lankan organizations for e.g. return cheques are increasing, product off-take is poor, distribution costs are rising, customers are demanding greater credit facilities etc..
Against this backdrop, effective Sales Territory and Distributor Management becomes very important. This programme will provide you the tools to manage sales territories and distributors, for higher profitability and productivity.
Target group
- Regional Sales Managers,
- Sales Executives,
- Sales Supervisors and
- Senior Sales Representatives
The programme includes
- Overview of the Sri Lankan macro environmental factors (PESTEEL)
- Analysing macro and micro environmental factors in demarcated sales territories
- Managing Distributors / Agents towards greater profitability and productivity
- Forecasting Techniques – Sales Potential and Growth
- Sales Territory Demarcations – Methods Sales Territory Re-demarcations – How and When?
- Methods of increasing Distributor / Agent Relationships
- Distributor/Agent Remuneration Methods Motivating Distributors / Agents towards Higher Performance
- Financial Aspects of Selling
Date: 04th December 2013
Time: 9.00am to 5.00pm
For more information contact Franki: 0727 77A 587 / Hansi: 0727 296 926 or see below image

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